Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Prayer Time RE Christian/Muslim Dialogue

There will be a prayer time with debriefing at 10:15 before the UCMA meeting at Stadium Village Church on April 25.

We are discovering that it is the conservative Muslims who want to talk with conservative Christians. Come and seek the Lord for guidance as to how we will make ourselves available.

Philip Friesen

Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Home for the MacLaurin Institute

Thanks to all those who helped the Institute move last Saturday. We had a good group of volunteers who made moving day go well. We are pretty much set-up in our new office, with a few more details to complete. We are now located at 1501 University Avenue SE, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55414. Feel free to stop in sometime and see our new office!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

U of M Orientation Fair Tables

Dear UCMA Friends,

I wanted to make each of you aware that registration for participating in Freshman Orientation Activities Fair is due by Friday, April 14th. I can send you the documents that I received from the Office of First Year Programs with all pertinent information. Some of it is redundant, so bear with it.

In the past, this has been a helpful component of The Rock's ministry, as we've had a number of students get involved through this Fair. The advantage is that we have a captive audience of students, many of whom are looking to get involved.

If any of you are interested in sharing a table, need the registration info, or have other questions, please contact me at karl@rockthechurch.com by Monday, April 10th so I can make the necessary arrangements. Partnering together has been helpful in the past, so that not one group need be at the table each and everyday.

I had hoped to be able to bring this up in person at our next luncheon on April 25th, but they kind of sprung the deadline on us with short notice.

God bless
Karl Quickert

Saturday, April 01, 2006

ACMI National Conference / June 1-3, 2007

The national conference of the Association of Christians Ministering to Internationals (http://www.gateman.com/acmi/index2.html) will be held here in Minneapolis June 1-3, 2007. Please reserve these dates for this major conference, which will be held on the campus of St Olaf College. The planning team includes Bob Webber (immigration lawyer), Ken Phillips (prof. at Northwestern College), Lowell Busman (Stadium Village Church), Dennis Barnett (Christian Student Fellowship), and yours truly.

Your colleague in Christ,
Bob Osburn
MacLaurin Institute
2221 University Av SE #120
Minneapolis, MN 55414