Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dr. David Noebel Lecture - October 27

The Dr. David Noebel is speaking this Friday October 27th at 1 pm in the 1701 class room building, room 143 on the topic of the religion of secular humanism and it's stranglehold on the University market place of ideas.

Download Poster--

David and Mary Jo Nutting will be coming to campus on November 9th at 7 pm and I've attached the info in pdf form. They will be at the president's room (332) in Coffman on that night.

Posted by Grant Buse.

Friday, October 13, 2006

"The Pope and Islam" Lecture - Mustafa Akyol

On Friday, October 20 at 2:30 p.m., Mustafa Akyol (from Istanbul, Turkey) will give a talk on The Pope and Islam in Room 101 of Fraser Hall (106 Pleasant Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455). Dr. Terry Nichols, Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas (and a former Board member of the Institute) will give a response.

Posted by Scott Noble (MacLaurin Institute).

Monday, October 09, 2006

Dr. Anthony Esolen Lecture, October 10

Please join us on Tuesday (tomorrow), October 10 at 7:00 p.m. for a talk by Dr. Anthony Esolen on Shakespeare's Tempest and the Miseduation of American Youth. Dr. Esolen is Professor of English at Providence College. He has translated Dante: Inferno and Paradise. The lecture is in Room 140 of Nolte Center: (315 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455). This event is free and open to the public, with funding from the Fred and Leonette Lanners Foundation.

Posted by Scott Noble (MacLaurin Institute).

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Upcoming Events of Interest

October 10, 2006
Shakespeare's Tempest and the Miseducation of American Youth, Dr. Anthony Esolen, Providence College (Professor of English), 7:00 p.m., Room 140, Nolte Center; free and open to the public. Dr. Esolen's recent books include new translations of Dante: Inferno and Paradise.
October 19, 2006
International Journalists' Forum on Intelligent Design, Denyse O'Leary (Canadian journalist based in Toronto and author of By Design or by Chance?) and Mustafa Akyol (freelance journalist who has written for The Weekly Standard, The Washington Times, National Review and a host of others), 8:00 p.m., Room 130, Murphy Hall; free and open to the public.
November 1, 2006
What America Can Learn From Secular Europe: Reflections of a Transatlantic Christian Thinker, Udo Middelmann (Francis A. Schaeffer Fellow, MacLaurin Institue), 7:00 p.m., Room 16, Vincent Hall; free and open to the public.
November 10, 2006
11th Annual Holmer Memorial Lecture, God and Morality, Dr. Richard Swinburne, University of Oxford (Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion), 7:00 p.m., Room 125, Willey Hall; free and open to the public. Dr. Swinburne's most recent books include The Existence of God and Faith and Reason.
November 17, 2006
Flannery O'Connor and the Fundamentalist South, Dr. Ralph Wood, Baylor University (University Professor of Theology and Literature), 7:00 p.m., Room 155, Nicholson Hall; free and open to the public. Dr. Wood's most recent books include The Gospel According to Tolkien and Flannery O'Connor and the Christ-Haunted South.

Posted by: Scott Noble / MacLaurin Institute

Elaine Pagels Lecture at U of M, Friday, Oct. 6

Distinguished religion scholar to deliver lecture about Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Da Vinci

Contact: Myrna Smith, Graduate School, (612) 625-7579
Patty Mattern, University News Service, (612) 624-2801

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (9/20/2006) -- Princeton University professor of religion Elaine Pagels will deliver the lecture “Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Da Vinci” at 12:15 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6, in the Ted Mann Concert Hall 2128 Fourth St. S., Minneapolis. Her presentation is the Graduate School’s annual Guy Stanton Ford Memorial Lecture. The lecture is free and open to the public. The concert hall opens at 11:30 a.m. Click here for more info.

Posted by William Monsma
Source: U of M News Service

International Ministers Prayer Time

Dear Fellow International Student Ministers,

Come join us for our monthly prayer time tomorrow, Wednesday, October 4, at Southeast Christian Church (15th Ave SE) from Noon to 1:10 PM. For the first half we will eat lunches we bring and share with each other, and for the second half we will pray. The new school year is in full swing now, so let’s pray for God’s grace together. I hope to see you soon!

Glenn Kenadjian

P.S. As a reminder, we meet on the first Wednesday of each month.

Learn Conversational Chinese

Stadium Village Church will offer Basic (Beginning) Conversational Chinese (free with a $5 registration fee each semester) on Thursdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Bethany House (Where English classes and Office are behind Stadium Village Church) on the 2nd floor. The husband of a PhD student/wife has volunteered to teach Americans and others who want to learn Chinese. I will be a student in that class, so come and join me. The first class is this Thursday. If you can't come this Thursday, because of a previously scheduled appointment, but will be able to join us next Thursday, let me know.

Class size is limited so return email me right away giving your name, phone number (preferably cell) and email address to pre-register if you want to join the class. First preference will be given to SVC attendees and workers, volunteers and students who plan to use their Chinese language skills to build relationships with Chinese students and scholars at the U of M. Please forward this information to anyone you think might be interested.

We are really informal, so If you don't have time to go home to eat, pack your supper or grab something on the way to eat before coming to or during the class. A microwave, tap water, coffee and tea and cups are available or you can bring your own drink. There are 4 visitor's parking spaces in the lot next to the church, two with visitor's signs and the two spaces with no number or sign facing the driveway between the church and Bethany House. Please use these spaces or park on the street. We also have a bicycle rack. Map and directions to SVC are on the web-site below.

Barbara Fadirepo
International Students, Inc. (ISI) / Stadium Village Church (SVC)
501 Oak St SE
Minneapolis MN 55414
Tel. 612-378-3111 (ofc) 651-645-6328 (hm) 651-707-4467(cell)
Email: or