Friday, September 29, 2006

New Article from Phil Friesen

Phil Friesen and his publisher would welcome would welcome feedback from ministry colleagues on an article he has written before it goes to press. Request a pdf of the complete article from Phil Friesen at

Translating Across Religious Cultures Part I
Buddha and the Mysticism of John 14-17
Does Christianity offer anything to the world that Buddhism does not? What would it be?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

U of M Prayer Room

The U of M Prayer Room will re-open beginning in October. The website for this ministry is There is a need for "gatekeepers" to be in the CIA building to let people in, and spread the word about the prayer room. To sign up for a two hour gatekeeper shift contact Nathan Clancy, To reserve the room for an hour of private prayer sign up at the website.

--Posted by Charlie Oglesby (Prepare Ministries)

Monday, September 25, 2006


Wednesday, Sept. 27, 7:00am
at Northrop Mall

This event is the collegiate version of "See You at the Pole." All campus ministry students and staff are invited to participate. We will gather in the Mall area on the plaza in front of Northrop Auditorium to pray for our campus, our fellow students, and ourselves.

For more details, email Brad Dewing (Christian Student Fellowship) at heybrad

UMN Campus Ministry Starter Tools & Info

Tools to begin the new school year
With the beginning of the new school year arriving, UCMA would like to provide some very basic, but helpful tools to help you start of the school year with recruiting. Many of our groups have been doing campus ministry for many years and know these things, but some of our members are new to this campus and may find these tools helpful.

Registering a Student Group
The first place to start is to register your student group. Registering your student group gives you access to classrooms around campus, including in Coffman Union as well as access to various activities fairs and events that are sponsored by the U of M. All you really need is 5 students and $20. The Student Activities Office is the office that you register through, and they are a great resource to utilize for your event planning. There contact information is below.

SAO Office
If you need an outdoor space permit, food permit, or have a question - this is the place to go
Phone: 612-626-6919

Paint the Bridge
Each year the inside of the Washington Avenue Bridge is repainted by student groups and it's all TOTALLY FREE - they even provide paint and brushes. It's a lot of fun for students, and a free way to advertise your group. Here are the dates: Thursday, Sept 14 10am-7pm and Friday, Sept 15 9am-5pm.

Student Activities Fair
Each year there are two Activities Fairs in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Weather permitting, they happen outside of the respective Student Unions, and are a lot of fun for students to staff and they attract a lot of traffic. The cost is $15 to register for one and $20 to register for both. Space is limited so register ASAP. Here are the dates: Tuesday, Sept 19: 10am-2pm (Mpls) and Wed, Sept 20: 10am-2pm (St. Paul)