Upcoming MacLaurin Institute Events
The Institute has a full schedule of lectures and conferences for the upcoming year. In addition, the Institute celebrates its 25th Anniversary in April of 2007 with Dr. Os Guinness. Here are a few highlights. For a complete list of all Institute lectures, conferences and special events, visit www.maclaurin.org/lectures.php
Pristine Harmony: Finding Balance Between the Natural, Human and Engineered Worlds, September 22-23, Borlaug Hall. Speakers include Dr. Cal DeWitt, Dr. Rolf Bouma, Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger and Dr. Susan Emmerich. For more information or to register, visit www.christianenvironmentconference.net.
Shakespeare’s Tempest and the Miseducation of American Youth, October 10, Dr. Anthony Esolen (Professor of English, Providence College).
11th Annual Holmer Memorial Lecture, November 10, Dr. Richard Swinburne (University of Oxford), 7:00 p.m., Room 125, Willey Hall.
Fifth Annual Faith and Bioethics Lecture, January 19, 2007, Dr. Robert Orr (University of Vermont College of Medicine), Moos Tower.
Symposium on Civic Engagement and Moral Education, February 19, 2007, speakers include Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff (Yale University), Dr. Richard Bernstein (New school University) and Dr. Mark Bauerlein (Emory University), 2:00 p.m., Cowles Auditorium in the Humphrey Center (tentative time and location).
Third Annual Faith and Law Lecture, March 1, 2007, Dr. Francis Beckwith, Room 25, University of Minnesota Law School.